List of Diseases and Disorders Related to Cardiovascular System
Heart, the essential organ which pumps blood to each and every organs of the body. But sometimes it may not function properly due to many kind of diseases and disorders. Here is the list of terms used for heart problems. ➤ Related to Conduction • Arrythmia - Irregular heartbeat • Fibrillation - Irregular and disorganized heart rhythm • Flutter - Regular but very rapid heart rhythm • Bradycardia - Slow heart rate (below 60 beats per min) • Tachycardia- Rapid heart rate (over 100 beats per min) • Bundle Branch Block - Blockage of impulse travelling through bundle branch • Palpitation - Abnormality of heartbeat • Premature Ventricular Contraction - Abnormal heartbeat in ventricles ➤ Vascular • Aneurysm - An abnormal blood-filled swelling of an artery or vein which results in weakening that particular area of blood vessel • Atherosclerosis - Hardening of Arteries • Coarctation of Aorta - Severe narrowing of the aorta...